luni, 10 iunie 2013

Secret To Restore 'Near Perfect' 20/20 Vision Naturally

improving eyesight naturally ways

  Dear Friend,

  Almost half the population in America wears some sort of artificial lens, glasses or contact lenses.Artificial lenses may help improve your vision, but it is just a temporary fix. Glasses and lenses can never fix problems. 
Artificial lenses can help you see things more clearly,problems and do not cure the actual ailment.
 The main problem with artificial lenses is they teach you bad habits and allow your eyes to work incorrectly. You quickly become dependent on the lenses and keep your eyes from healing themselves. If you can teach your eyes to be more relaxed, the need for glasses and lenses would go away completely. 
  Education is a wonderful thing, but the downside of filling your head with "knowledge" is that it makes less room for being open to alternatives.Mostly every eye doctor and optometrist truly believe that THEY KNOW BEST... and quite frankly, they have to... The grim alternative is to face a life crises (like I did), and the complete breakdown of their current life and practice.The optometry industry is one thing... but it's no use blaming your doctor or optometrist for being ignorant. Rather be happy you've been lucky enough to stumble upon this quick and reliable way to regain your natural vision abilities.

“Research Has Proven That Wearing Glasses And Contacts Will Destroy Your Vision Over Time...”

“If glasses are worn continuously over time the poor vision will generally become worse. Essentially what glasses do is lock the eyes into their refractive state and in order to see through your lenses you have to maintain the poor vision that the lenses are designed to correct.”

Wm H Bates: Perfect Sight Without Glasses 1920 

“ Minus lenses (glasses) are the most common approach, yet the least likely to prevent further myopic progression (nearsightedness). Unfortunately, they increase the near point stress that is associated with progression. ”

May, 1984. Optometric Extension Program Foundation 

 “The use of compensatory lenses (glasses and contacts) to treat or neutralize the symptoms does not correct the problem. The current education and training of eye care practitioners discourages preventive and remedial treatment.”

Gottlieb, 1982. Journal of Optometry and Visual Development 
One of the largest problems with artificial lenses is finding the perfect prescription. Your eyes are constantly changing. Many things play a factor in how well you can see. Weather, health, mood, distractions, and outside stress all play a part in your vision. When it’s sunny and bright out our moods are usually better and so is our eyesight. For a doctor to find the perfect prescription is impossible. You may go to the doctor when you are in a bad mood and its dark and rainy out. Your prescription will reflect this making them not work at all when you are happy and it’s bright out.
More and more jobs require the use of computers. With the information age being available on the computer, more and more people are spending endless hours in front of the screen. After a long day in front of the computer, it is common to start feeling tired, irritable, or pain in the eyes or head. Staring at computers and forgetting to relax and give the eyes a break can cause permanent damage and eye problems.
  No one is expected to live a life without computers; we all need them and are use to them being a part of our daily lives. However, it is important to listen to our bodies and relax or take a break when necessary. 

Listen to your body; it knows better than you do when it’s time for a break. Do not work until your eyes burn; you missed all the previous signs. Take short breaks every hour of work. This means get at least once every hour and walk around. However, taking breaks isn’t enough. Look away from the screen every 15-20 minutes for a minute or two. Look at things close and far away to allow the eyes to adjust and move around. The goal is to avoid the strain in the first place.

  Try going without your glasses for a few weeks and see what happens. You may be surprised at the results. Of course at first things may be blurry, but once your eyes start to adjust to a life without artificial lenses things will become clearer. The trick is to make sure you are free of too much mental strain. Try some relaxation techniques and rest your eyes when things start to get out of focus.
     Perhaps you're thinking; "I'll just look into corrective eye surgery so I don't have to worry about my vision being affected by glasses or contacts".

Unfortunately, surgery is both expensive and has proven itself to be a risky and troublesome alternative...

A full eye surgery procedure will cost upwards of $5000, and there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that you will not need your glasses again within a few months of a perfectly successful operation.

In fact, there has been numerous reports of temporary improvement that relapse into even worse conditions a few months after surgery.

And then there is the serious concern about side effects like...

-Seeing Halos Around Lights at Nighttime..
-Worsened Vision..
-Constant Eye Infections..

-Permanent Blindness..
Perhaps you already knew this but...
In 2008, the FDA actually officially stated that they would do a full re-evaluation of the safety of laser eye surgery, specifically due to the high amount of complaints it receives on the subject every month.What you also might not know is that on top of the huge surgery expenses you'll pay, you'll also be bothered with inconvenient doctor visits for months after the treatment...

“If Glasses and Contacts Harms Vision and Surgery Is Too Risky, Then How Can I
Improve My Eyesight?”

       Now, pay careful attention:
You already have the ability to improve your vision - naturally...

You just need to know the latest and most effective way to fine-tune and naturally heal the amazing instrument that is the human eye.More about that in a little while...First, let's take a brief look at what causes your vision problems in the first place...

When you were born, doctors didn't check your eyesight as they pulled you from your mother's womb. And, guess what? Eventually, you learned to crawl and walk, without the use of glasses. Didn't you?

Here's another example to consider...

If you've been to remote locations such as the Amazon or have seen T.V. shows that film the way natives live in the wild. You may have seen them how they hunt for food, build tools and make crafts. But, you'll never see these naturalists squint their eyes, or struggle to focus on their prey.

So, if you didn't need glasses as a small child and neither do those living in the wild; then why are many people today so dependent on wearing glasses or contacts?

 “The Overlooked And Ultra-Simple Cause
Of Vision Problems Revealed!”
 Simply put... Vision problems are a learned trait. It's all about good or bad habits!

Through careful examination and experimentation with thousands of patients Dr. William H. Bates(one of the largest vision care specialist) made the astonishing discovery that most vision problems are due to bad habits that people have developed in the process of seeing.
Habitual/Unconscious/Learned "misuse" of the eyes...

This is the major underlying cause of vision problems, and it soon develops into a vicious spiral... Dr. William H. Bates says:

"It has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that all abnormal action of the external muscles of the eyeball is accompanied by a strain or effort to see, and that with the relief of this strain the action of the muscles becomes normal and all errors of refraction disappear." - Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Ch 9.

However, here's the good news:

You can reverse this "evil spiral" and eliminate these "bad habits" by simply learning and practicing the correct way to see for a few small minutes a day...

“Helping You Improve Eye Sight - Naturally!”

For many years, I owned an ophthalmology practice. In fact, in my city, I've won many awards for having the most prestigious optical business in town.

After learning of my accomplishments as a leading optical doctor, people were shocked when I left my practice to help vision sufferers improve their eyesight - naturally.

Since then I've spent many years perfecting my system that exploits a previously unknown short-cut to get your vision back, naturally and forever.

You see, since working with Dr. Bates' system, I've helped hundreds of people get rid of their glasses, for good. I've even helped 80 years old and older develop 20-20 vision. And, I can do the same for you.

It doesn't matter if you've been wearing glasses since preschool... If you are not totally blind, my refinement of Dr. Bates method can work for you. And get this...
   "Dr. Bates 2.0" method applies to almost all visual problems, including:

Near-Sightedness (Myopia)
Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
Tension Headache
Light Sensitivity
Poor Night Vision
And More...
 In the words of a former patient of mine...
“This is Dr. Bates On Steroids!”
 In  Vision Without Glasses™ program you'll be taken by the hand, as I walk you through the ultra-simple step-by-step program to improve your vision in just 1 - 3 months...

Here's the secret:

After my initial discovery I've since spent years developing Dr. Bates original vision improving concepts into a super-charged program that's bound to make you see sharper and clearer in only a few short weeks.
In Vision Without Glasses™ you'll discover...
15-minutes-a-day action plan to literally FORCE your entire visual system to work as a cohesive unit to self-correct and promote crystal clear sight and naturally regain perfect 20/20 vision in 1 - 3 months!
The grave mental danger posed by "authoritarian" doctors and optometrists, and a simple 3-second "trick" to brush off their sticky negative influence in a heartbeat... (hint: you want placebo to work in YOUR favor, and not the other way around!)
The proper way to use glasses and contacts without ruining your progress towards the natural state of vision without glasses...
A deadly diagnostic mistake made by most doctors and optometrists concerning the difference between strained and stressed eyesight... and how to correct both ailments from the comfort of your own home!
Fool-proof 60-second relief from headaches and eye strain without drugs, pills, or other harmful chemicals...
The natural confidence enjoyed by people with perfect vision PLUS the knowingness that you've mastered something most people would consider "a miracle"...(a young patient jokingly compared it to Clark Kent versus Superman...)
"I admit it sounds like a great program... But does it really work like you say it will?"
    Why don't we ask some more people that question...

Henry White
"My eyes felt renewed and reborn!"

"I thought I would live the rest of my life with glasses. My experience since I started your program was amazing.

I went through all the program at first because it was the fastest way for me to learn what it is about. After reading everything I started the program and my eyes felt renewed in just a few days - as if they were reborn."

George Fenech
London, England

"I feel like I am 10 years younger..."

"Ever since I started your vision program, my vision has literally improved over night. I used to wear spectacles all the time but now I'm already getting used to live without them. It's difficult to explain but I feel like I am 10 years younger.

Thanks for the program. I am totally impressed and satisfied."

Olga Akhatova
Moscow, Russia

"No need for surgery thanks to you!"

"If you think that you can't get rid of your glasses without surgery you are wrong! I almost gave up to live with glasses, fortunately I did not. Vision without Glasses is the helping hand that will help you to free yourself from prescription glasses the natural and easy way!"

Even the American Optometric Association has been forced to admit these things!

"Visual acuity can be improved by visual training..."
“There is acceptable evidence that in motivated subjects, even myopes with greater than two diopters refractive error, visual acuity can be improved by visual training.”

Sells, et al. Evaluation of Research on Effects of Visual Training. American Journal of Ophthalmology 

"The evidence is conclusive..."
“Thousands of young men applying for admission to the various branches of the armed forces discovered that they could not meet the visual requirements. As a result of visual training, most successfully passed the visual requirements of the service that had previously rejected them. The evidence is conclusive that optometric methods of visual training improve the acuity of most myopes.”

Ewalt, The Baltimore Myopia Control Project. Journal of the American Optometric Association

The value of this program is simple -- you get a highly refined, uniquely developed, and deadly efficient system that will restore your natural 20/20 vision in as little as a month or two from now...

We both know that every day that goes by wearing those darn contacts or glasses is only making your vision problem worse... Not to speak about the annual cost of this unfortunate lifestyle...

We've also seen that a laser operation is just too darn risky, and it will definitely cost you an arm and a leg (and in many cases... quite literally the very eyes you wanted to fix!)

Instead of throwing your hard-earned money away to ignorant doctors and optometrists wouldn't it be much better to make a one time investment in yourself and get rid of the problem once and for all!

Considering the yearly costs you're already incurring with glasses, contacts, doctors, and optometrists I could easily charge at least $97.00 for this program... and it would still be a bargain!

However, you can gain access to this amazing program for a measly one-time investment of only $37.

Just picture having the complete knowledge and power to turn your life around and escape the tyranny of glasses, contacts, and doctors forever!

When I meet former patients on the street they always tell me what a major boost in confidence it is to have perfect vision, and how much more fulfilling their life has become because of this program...

It's really like the start of a new life for most people!

To convince you that all these things are true visit

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